Why Economy Plumbing HVAC?
How do you know which HVAC repair service to choose? It can be stressful if you are new to the area or don’t know anything about HVAC repairs. Economy Plumbing HVAC is the only company for HVAC repairs you will need to call. We handle any kind of installations or repairs!
But how does air conditioning even work? Should you upgrade your unit? Knowing what you need for your home can potentially be confusing and complicated. Of course, Economy Plumbing HVAC can help you understand exactly the right fit for your family. In the mean time, it helps to know how an AC unit works.
How does an AC unit work?
Here’s a small crash course courtesy of this :
“1. A refrigerant (a substance that can go from liquid to gas at low temperatures) runs through a closed system of metal coils.”
“2. The liquid refrigerant absorbs the heat (and turns into a gas) cooling the air, as warm interior air passes over these coils. This cool air blows back into the house through ducts.”
“3. The heated, gaseous refrigerant goes outdoors to the compressor (the big, loud boxy thing in your back yard), where it’s pressurized into a liquid form. As it turns back to a liquid, it releases heat, which is blown off into the exterior air.”
4. The compressor sends the newly re-cooled refrigerant back into the house to start the cycle all over again.
In Southern California, having a functioning HVAC is a must. Even in winter months, some may be running their air conditioning. Economy Plumbing HVAC serves the Temecula and Murrieta areas as well as North San Diego County! We are family owned and run so you can expect excellent customer service. We treat every job as if it were on our own home. Economy Plumbing HVAC has also been in business since 1982, so we also have the professional experience you can count on! Call and make an appointment today!
Contact Us
Temecula Phone: (951) 694-6653
Escondido Phone: (760) 480-0765